Star student returns to school after courageous cancer fight
Mila was playing in her bedroom when she bumped her left forearm on the bedframe. An initial X-ray didn’t show any sign of fracture, but the bump continued to grow so Mila’s family got a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist who referred them to Wolfson Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville. She underwent additional tests which ultimately led to the diagnosis of osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. After 10 weeks and two rounds of chemotherapy, the mass shrunk to a size where pediatric orthopedic surgeons were able to remove it all without having to amputate Mila’s arm. Mila underwent additional chemotherapy and completed treatment. She will be closely monitored for any sign of recurrence but, for now, she’s enjoying each day as it comes and was excited to get back to school where she is a star student.