Little kids.
Big impact.
Did you know?
Children’s hospitals play a central role in advancing the health of all children – from prevention to critical care. Thanks to children’s hospitals’ advances in care, fewer children today die from complications and infections, and babies still in the womb can receive lifesaving surgeries.

Where we make a difference:
Complex Pediatric Care
Children’s hospitals are where the most complex pediatric care happens such as pediatric cardiologists operating on a child’s heart the size of a walnut.
Cancer Treatment
Children’s hospitals provide 95% of life-saving cancer treatment for children across America.
Specialized Treatment
Children’s hospitals are often the only location in an entire state or region of the country where the sickest children can receive the lifesaving care they need.
Pediatric Training
Children’s hospitals educate and train a majority of pediatricians and pediatric specialists to care for kids at all stages of development.
Valued Care
Of the 6,000 hospitals across the country, only 200 are children’s hospitals, yet they are the primary places of specialized hospital care for all children.
Community Engagement
Children’s hospitals offer services such as food pantries, mobile health clinics, and wellness initiatives for children and teens in communities across America.