Pediatric nursing team brings relief to Regan
By the time Regan was six years old, he had already undergone four open heart surgeries and one heart transplant. Because of these surgeries, Regan now has to get blood drawn for lab tests regularly. But with his numerous medications and all the blood draws he’s had over the years; his veins can be tricky to access. The draw station he was frequenting experienced staff transitions, and the newer nurses, unfamiliar with Regan’s complexities, often accidentally poked him and wore out his veins trying to draw blood. With his complexities, his family quickly reached out to MercyOne Children’s Hospital and was met with specialized pediatric nursing staff who could efficiently draw Regan’s blood and send it over to his physician. Now, Regan routinely visits his care team at MercyOne Children’s Hospital, where he gets his labs drawn as necessary without any anxiety.