Hayden’s journey from a challenging birth to boundless play

As Sara and Dan awaited the delivery of their first child, Hayden, an update from the Doctor brought a sudden turn of events. Their anticipated 7-pound baby would enter the world at 9 pounds. When babies like Hayden are bigger, they pose more challenges during labor and are at higher risk of developing brachial plexus birth palsy – a condition when the nerves from the neck down to the arm and hands can become injured during birth. At Hayden’s two-month check-in, he was diagnosed with brachial plexus birth palsy and began daily physical therapy at the UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh’s Brachial Plexus Clinic. As he made notable progress at physical therapy, he hadn’t entirely regained full range of motion, and doctors decided surgery would be the next best step. Hayden championed his 6-hour reconstructive surgery and attended routine check-ups over the next year. After an incredible recovery, 3-year-old Hayden is no longer limited by functional issues and enjoys climbing, swinging, and playing outside!