An innovative ear reconstruction helps Luca build his confidence
Because of a congenital condition called hemifacial microsomia that causes one side of the face to be underdeveloped, Luca was born without a left ear and ear canal and had complete hearing loss on the left side. As a toddler, he used a special hearing aid and attended a school for deaf students to develop social and communication skills. While he was doing well, his parents wanted a new solution to help Luca build his confidence. After exploring their options, they met with a pediatric plastic surgeon at Cohen Children’s Medical Center who had performed the world’s first ear reconstruction using cadaver cartilage a few years prior. Using a 3D-printed model of Luca’s right ear, the doctor shaped a similar ear from cartilage and surgically attached it in only an hour. When Luca returned to his kindergarten class, he was beaming with confidence. A few months later, the doctor repositioned Luca’s ear and will continue to add details in the months to come. Today, Luca always has a smile on his face and loves that he can wear sunglasses just like his mom, dad, and little brother.